The ITN VIROINF assists media representatives in finding experts in specific areas of virus/bioinformatics research, arranges interview partners and provides background information. Please contact us with any questions you may have. For past media appearances, see below.
Best Oral Presentation
Ninth European Congress of Apidology – EurBee9 2022
Nikolas Basler, KU Leuven
Best Poster Award
International Virus Bioinformatics Meeting 2022
Gabriel Lenconi Lovate, FSU Jena
VIROINF ESRs presented their work at various conferences (posters and talks) and also to a broader public.
The honey bee gut microbiome – a diversity profile of different gut parts and seasons across eight European countries Presentation
Oral presentation at 9th European Congress of Apidology (EurBee9), 20.09.2022, (Best Oral Presentation).
Systematic benchmarking and error evaluation of basecallers for Nanopore Direct RNA-seq Presentation
Poster at 21st European Conference on Computational Biology 2022, 20.09.2022.
FrameRate: predicting coding frames direct from unassembled DNA reads Presentation
Poster at 21st European Conference on Computational Biology 2022, 19.09.2022.
Experimental evolution of Deformed Wing Virus in developing honeybees (Apis mellifera) Presentation
Poster at Ecological immunology workshop 2022: Resistance, tolerance & symbionts, 07.09.2022.
Computational prediction of virus-host interactions by pre-trained transformer and Multiple Instance Learning Presentation
Oral presentation at Computational Biology Conference 2022, Glasgow, UK, 01.09.2022.
Replidec - Use naive bayes classifier to identify virus lifecycle from metagenomics data Presentation
Poster at VIRO retreat 2022, Munich, Germany, 01.08.2022.
Antibiotic Exposure Leads to Reduced Phage Susceptibility in Vancomycin Intermediate Staphylococcus aureus (VISA) Presentation
Poster at Viruses of Microbes (VoM) meeting 2022, 19.07.2022.
The database of Virus Orthologous Groups and its application in phage cocktail genomics Presentation
Poster at Viruses of Microbes (VoM) meeting 2022, 18.07.2022.
Inferring expression trajectories from metabolically labeled cells Presentation
Poster at International symposium on immune control and its evasion by CMV and other DNA viruses (Deep-DV) 2022, 22.06.2022.
Using high-throughput analysis to understand RNA-RNA interactions of Influenza Presentation
Talk at DiagnosTech Lecture, 29.04.2022.
Identification of RNA-RNA interactions that drive genetic reassortment between human H1N1 and H3N2 viruses Presentation
Oral presentation at 3rd ResaFlu meeting 2022, 13.04.2022.
Identification of RNA-RNA interactions that drive genetic reassortment between human H1N1 and H3N2 viruses Presentation
Poster at XXIVemes Journées Francophones de Virologie 2022, 11.04.2022.
RNAswarm: A pipeline for differential RNA-RNA Interaction probing Presentation
Oral poster at 31st Annual Meeting of the Society for Virology 2022, Munich, Germany, 30.03.2022.
Read error correction for heterogeneous NGS samples using Dirichlet mixture models Presentation
Poster at Asonca 2022 - Biological systems: from first principles to data-driven modelling and back , 27.03.2022.
Error correction and local haplotype reconstruction for NGS data Presentation
Poster at International Virus Bioinformatics Meeting 2022, 24.03.2022.
GRAND-R: Leveraging the power of RNA metabolic labeling to record transcriptional activity in single cells Presentation
Poster at International Virus Bioinformatics Meeting 2022, 24.03.2022.
Reproducible RNA-RNA interaction probing for RNA proximity ligation data with RNAswarm Presentation
Poster at International Virus Bioinformatics Meeting 2022, 24.03.2022, (Best Poster Award).
Inferring expression trajectories from metabolically labeled cells Presentation
Poster at EUREKA Symposium 2021, 07.10.2021.
VOGDB - Virus Orthologous Groups database Presentation
Oral presentation at Quest for Orthologs 2021, 02.08.2021.
VIROINF: Jenaer Viren-Forscher steuern europaweites Programm
24. März 2021, MDR Thüringen Journal
Viren, ihre Mutationen und Wechselwirkungen mit ihren Wirten sind längst nicht so gut erforscht, wie man denken könnte. Ein europaweites Forschungsprogramm soll das nun ändern – koordiniert von der Uni Jena.