Participating Organisations » Friedrich Schiller University Jena

Friedrich Schiller University Jena (FSU Jena) was founded in 1558 as one of the oldest universities in Germany, and is member of the prestigious COIMBRA group. The FSU Jena is structured into ten faculties with a staff of more than 8,000 and over 18,000 students and cooperates with more than 200 universities and research institutions in 26 European and 29 non-European countries. The FSU Jena hosts a Graduate Academy with 5 graduate schools and 11 research training groups as accredited members. The FSU Jena hosts 5 Innovative Training Networks (H2020), 7 research training groups (GRKs), 1 Graduate School in Excellence Programme “Jena School for Microbial Communication (JSMC)” and 12 other Graduate Research Schools. Research in Life Sciences is shaped by a lively network of scientists from a broad variety of natural and life sciences institutes. The FSU Jena has implemented InfectoGnostic campus combining industrial companies with academic groups in Jena.

The FSU Jena offers a state of the art bioinformatics platform that covers all aspects from RNA bioinformatics and high throughput analysis to sequencing platforms incl. nanopore sequencing.

FSU Jena is coordinator of VIROINF, lead organisation for WP 1 (in particular WP 1.4) and WP 5, and host institution for ESR 1.